Hi friends,
Create your OWN Google Style Logo and search page..
Hi friends,
Recently a company had participated in IIM's Placement Sessions. They asked some interesting questions to students during recruitment.
Here are some of them:-
1. There is one word in the English language that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is it?
2. A man gave one son 10 cents and another son was given 15 cents. What time is it?
3. There is a house with four walls. Each wall faces south. There is a window in each wall. A bear walks by one of the windows. What color is the bear?
4. Is half of two plus two equal to two or three?
5. There is a room. The shutters are blowing in. There is broken glass on the floor. There is water on the floor. You find Sloppy dead on the floor. Who is Sloppy? How did Sloppy die?
6. How much dirt would be in a hole 6 feet deep and 6 feet wide that has been dug with a square edged shovel?
7. If I were in Hawaii and dropped a bowling ball in a bucket of water which is 45 degrees F, and dropped another ball of the same weight, mass, and size in a bucket at 30 degrees F, both of them at the same time, which ball would hit the bottom of the bucket first?
Scroll down for answers.....
1. The word "incorrectly. "
2. 1:45. The man gave away a total of 25 cents. He divided it between two people. Therefore, he gave a quarter to two.
3. White. If all the walls face south, the house is at the North pole, and the bear, therefore, is a polar bear.
4. Three. Well, it seems that it could almost be either, but if you follow the mathematical orders of operation, division is performed before addition. So... half of two is one. Then add two, and the answer is three.
5. Sloppy is a (gold)fish. The wind blew the shutters in, which knocked his goldfish-bowl off the table, and it broke, killing him.
6. None. No matter how big a hole is, it's still a hole: the absence of dirt.
7. Both questions, same answer: the ball in the bucket of 45 degree F water hits the bottom of the bucket last. Did you think that the water in the 30 degree F bucket is frozen? Think again.
The question said nothing about that bucket having anything in it. Therefore, there is no water (or ice) to slow the ball down...
8. The time and month/date/year American style calendar are 12:34, 5/6/78.
9. One. If he combines all of his haystacks, they all become one big stack.'
10. The temperature.
Hi friends,
Do you know "Why do we wear marks like tilak and the pottu on the forehead?".. Here i will explain it to you: The tilak is a blessing of the Lord and a protection against wrong tendencies and forces.
The tilak or pottu invokes a feeling of sanctity in the wearer and others. It is recognized as a religious mark. Its form and colour vary according to one's caste, religious sect or the form of the Lord worshipped. In earlier times, the four castes (based on varna or colour) – Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Sudra – applied marks differently.
- The brahmin applied a white chandan mark signifying purity, as his profession was of a priestly or academic nature.
- The kshatriya applied a red kumkum mark signifying valour as he belonged to warrior races.
- The vaishya wore a yellow kesar or turmeric mark signifying prosperity as he was a businessman or trader devoted to creation of wealth.
- The sudra applied a black bhasma, kasturi or charcoal mark signifying service as he supported the work of the other three divisions.
Also Vishnu worshippers apply a chandan tilak of the shape of "U", Shiva worshippers a tripundra of bhasma, Devi worshippers a red dot of kumkum and so on.
The tilak cover the spot between the eyebrows, which is the seat of memory and thinking. It is known as the Aajna Chakra in the language of Yoga. The tilak is applied with the prayer – "May I remember the Lord. May this pious feeling pervade all my activities.
The entire body emanates energy in the form of electromagnetic waves – the forehead and the subtle spot between the eyebrows especially so. That is why worry generates heat and causes a headache. The tilak and pottu cools the forehead, protects us and prevents energy loss.
Sometimes the entire forehead is covered with chandan . Using plastic reusable "stick bindis" is not very beneficial, even though it serves the purpose of decoration.
Hi friends,
Today let em share with you an interesting news about "ILLAYA THALAPATHI VIJAY'S 50TH FILM SURAA":
- Vijay is the 2nd South Indian actor who gets 16C after Rajnikanth.
- Vijay is going to sing the Opening song of the Movie.
- Mahadeera Fame Dev Plays Villian Role.
- Prabhu plays an important role in this Movie.
- Hollywood Stunt Master William Jones doing some Stunt sequence.
- Film bought by SUN PICTURES.
- Film will be released on 22nd June 2010- Its Illaya thalapathy vijay's Birthday..

Hi friends,
Here is an interesting news for u.. "Nokia is going to Offer Free Mobile GPS"..
Nokia Corp said that they will offer free navigation services globally for users of its smart phones, in a drive to counter a similar move by Google Inc.
The application, with detailed maps for more than 180 countries, will also have voice guidance in 46 languages in 74 countries. It will be immediately available for download on Nokia’s Ovi Map site, and from March all new Nokia GPS-enabled smart phones will include the new version of Ovi Maps. Users will also have free access to Lonely Planet and Michelin travel guides that have information on more than 1,000 destinations globally.
“We can now put a complete navigation system in the palm of your hand, wherever in the world you are, whenever you need it and at no extra cost,” Nokia Executive Vice President Anssi Vanjoki said. “By adding cameras at no extra cost to our phones we quickly became the biggest camera manufacturer in the world. The aim of the new Ovi Maps is to enable us to do the same for navigation.”
The mobile phone industry has been hit hard by saturation in markets – especially in Europe – and the global financial crisis, forcing handset makers such as Nokia to increasingly turn to providing services for users, such as music and video downloads, navigational maps and games.
Nokia says that by 2011 it expects some 300 million active users of its services.Nokia said that research firm Canalys estimates that in 2009 some 27 million people worldwide were using the global positioning system, or GPS, on handsets. The Finnish company’s new service could increase the number of GPS navigation users to 50 million, through a download of the new Ovi Maps available immediately, Nokia said.
In an $8 billion deal, Nokia in 2008 bought U.S. navigation-software maker Navteq Corp., a major provider of digital map data and content. In October, Nokia reported its first quarterly loss since it became the world’s biggest handset maker in 1998 and said it would focus on smart phones, based on “user experience improvements,” to help it boost performance.
In 2008, Nokia sold 468 million handsets, up 7 percent on 2007. It maintained its No. 1 position in the third quarter last year, with a 38 percent global market share and sales of 108.5 million handsets.Nokia is due to release its fourth-quarter and 2009 full-year earnings on Jan. 28.
Hi friends,
Why do we light a lamp?
In almost every Indian home a lamp is lit daily before the altar of the Lord. In some houses it is lit at dawn, in some, twice a day – at dawn and dusk – and in a few it is maintained continuously (akhanda deepa). All auspicious functions commence with the lighting of the lamp, which is often maintained right through the occasion.
Light symbolizes knowledge, and darkness, ignorance. The Lord is the "Knowledge Principle" (chaitanya) who is the source, the enlivener and the illuminator of all knowledge. Hence light is worshiped as the Lord himself.
Knowledge removes ignorance just as light removes darkness. Also knowledge is a lasting inner wealth by which all outer achievement can be accomplished. Hence we light the lamp to bow down to knowledge as the greatest of all forms of wealth
Why not light a bulb or tube light? That too would remove darkness. But the traditional oil lamp has a further spiritual significance. The oil or ghee in the lamp symbolizes our vaasanas or negative tendencies and the wick, the ego. When lit by spiritual knowledge, the vaasanas get slowly exhausted and the ego too finally perishes. The flame of a lamp always burns upwards. Similarly we should acquire such knowledge as to take us towards higher ideals.
While lighting the lamp we thus pray:
Deepajyothi parabrahma
Deepa sarva tamopahaha
Deepena saadhyate saram
Sandhyaa deepo namostute
I prostrate to the dawn/dusk lamp; whose light is the Knowledge Principle (the Supreme Lord), which removes the darkness of ignorance and by which all can be achieved in life.
Hi friends,
Today let me ask you some Thought Provoking Questions??? I have doubts .. Try to answer it if u can!!
- Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?
- Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?
- Why don't you ever see the headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'?
- Why is 'abbreviated' such a long word?
- Why is it that doctors call what they do 'practice'?
- Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
- Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
- Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
- Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
- Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
- Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
- You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?!
- Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
- Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

- If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
- If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
Hi friends,
Have a Great Day!! Are you fed up with People who irritates you?? Here is an simple way to make them confuse.. Just try it!! Here is 15 Steps to Confuse them!!!
Here it goes :))
3) D0NT GET MAD (L0OK AT #15)
5) FIRST (L0OK AT #2)
12) S0RRY (L0OK AT #8)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Hi friends,
Do you Know some information which we might have come across in our life but not known to us.. Here it goes :))
Have an Informative Day :))
Its very stunning to hear the news about Manufacturing fake eggs in China.. In China there are fake schools and classes that teach a variety of blatant fraud technology, even eggs can be modulated by chemical materials, but also be able to fry cook, is currently the most popular False course.
Step 1 :
Modulation of raw materials:
Fake egg was made from calcium carbonate, starch, resin, gelatin, alum and other chemical products.
Step 2 egg production:
Raw egg into the mold to 2 / 3 full, put calcium chloride, colouring die, the egg appears on the film been announced. The 'yolk' is shaped in the round mould. 'Magic water' containing calcium chloride is used. By adding a yellow pigment and become raw egg yolk..
Step 3 fake egg shape:
In the mold into 1 / 3 raw egg white, like the first package, like dumplings into the egg yolk, egg white into another, into the magic water, a shell eggs will come slowly. Naked egg shape to 1 hour to dry after washing with water, at shells ready.
Step 4
Sewing lines through the use of eggs, immersed in paraffin wax, calcium carbonate, such as modulation of the eggshell into a solution, repeated several times until the shell a little dry, immersion in cold water pumping line shape, this point, the egg has been put on a false cloak , You're done.
Hard shells are formed by soaking in paraffin wax onto the egg, which are then left to dry. Oh yeah The Egg is ready. The artificial egg shell is very fragile and break easily but who cares!! Many small bubbles is formed during frying the egg but not many people can tell the difference.
The egg look exactly the same, and the eggs taste better than real but you are adding to the
statistic of food poisoning person.
Why make fake eggs ?
Because of money.The cost of fake egg is only 0.55 Yuan/kg, while the true [WINDOWS-1252?]eggs’ market price is 5.6 Yuan/kg.
Cases of problem foods and food poisoning are widely reported in Mainland China over the last few years. In 2001, there were 185 cases of food poisoning, affecting about 15,715 people and causing 146 deaths.
The cases doubled in 2002. In 2003, the number of reported cases was ten times more than that in 2001, and the number of people suffered was as high as 29,660, including 262 deaths Now In Sept 2008 Nearly 53,000 Chinese children sick from contaminated milk; 4 have died..
Hi friends,
We all have IQ. But mainly we are writing exams, its usual that we forget some answers. But Kim Ung-Yong at the age of four he was already able to read in Japanese, Korean, German, and English. What an Extraordinary IQ?? If we see other person, Gregory Smith.. He could read at age two and had enrolled in university at 10.Unbelievable!!! Now lets see about them in detail..
1. Kim Ung-Yong: Attended University at age 4, Ph.D at age 15; world’s highest IQ:
This Korean super-genius was born in 1962 and might just be the smartest guy alive today (he’s recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as having the highest IQ of anyone on the planet).
At his fifth birthday, he solved complicated differential and integral calculus problems. Later, on Japanese television, he demonstrated his proficiency in Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog, German, English, Japanese, and Korean. Kim was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records under “Highest IQ”; the book estimated the boy’s score at over 210.
At the age of 7 he was invited to America by NASA. He finished his university studies, eventually getting a Ph.D. in physics at Colorado State University before he was 15. In 1974, during his university studies, he began his research work at NASA and continued this work until his return to Korea in 1978 where he decided to switch from physics to civil engineering and eventually received a doctorate in that field.
2. Gregory Smith: Nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize at age 12:
Born in 1990, Gregory Smith could read at age two and had enrolled in university at 10. But “genius” is only one half of the Greg Smith story. When not voraciously learning, this young man travels the globe as a peace and children’s rights activist.
He is the founder of International Youth Advocates, an organization that promotes principles of peace and understanding among young people throughout the world. He has met with Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev and spoke in front of the UN. For these and other humanitarian and advocacy efforts, Smith has been nominated four times for a Nobel Peace Prize. His latest achievement? He just got his driver license.
Hi friends,
Here is an extra ordinary good news for DIABETICS Patients..
A woman (65) was diabetic for the last 20+ years and was taking insulin twice a day, She used the enclosed homemade medicine for a fortnight and now .She is absolutely free of diabetes and taking all her food as normal including sweets.. The doctors have advised her to stop insulin and any other blood sugar controlling drugs.
Sheikh Saleh Mohammed Tuwaijiri , the Supreme judge of Tabuk Court has made the extensive.. Experiments with perseverance and patience and discovered a successful treatment for diabetes.Now a days a lot of people, old men & women in particular suffer a lot due to Diabetes.
1 - Wheat flour 100 gm
2 - Gum(of tree) (gondh) 100 gm
3 - Barley 100 gm
4 - Black Seeds (kalunji) 100 gm
Method of Preparation:
- Put all the above ingredients in 5 cups of water.
- Boil it for 10 minutes and put off the fire.
- Allow it to cool down by itself.
- When it has become cold, filter out the seeds and preserve the water in a glass jug or bottle.
How to use it?
Take one small cup of this water every day early morning when your stomach is empty.
Continue this for 7 days. Next week repeat the same but on alternate days. With these 2 weeks of treatment you.. Will wonder to see that you have become normal and can eat normal food without problem.
One of the Hot topic about Google is here.
Google had stopped censoring its search results in China and may pull out of the country completely after discovering that computer hackers had tricked human-rights activists into exposing their e-mail accounts to outsiders. Although Google’s search engine is the most popular worldwide, it’s a distant second in China, where the homegrown Baidu.com processes more than 60 percent of all requests.
The acquiescence had outraged free-speech advocates and even some shareholders, who argued Google’s cooperation with China violated the company’s “don’t be evil” motto. The criticism had started to sway Google co-founder Sergey Brin, who openly expressed his misgivings about the company’s presence in China.
Google spokesman Matt Furman declined to say whether the company suspects the Chinese government may have had a hand in the attacks.
Google officials also plan to talk to the Chinese government to determine if there is a way the company can still provide unfiltered search results in the country. If an agreement can’t be worked out, Google is prepared to leave China four years after creating a search engine bearing China’s Web suffix, “.cn” to put itself in a better position to profit from the world’s most populous country.
Many Web sites based outside China, including Google’s YouTube video site, are regularly blocked by the country’s government.
Hi friends,
Do you know what is "ANNUAL SOLAR ECLIPSE"?
When the shadow of the moon that falls on the sun is smaller,only center part of sun is Eclipsed. This type of Eclipse is called ANNUAL SOLAR ECLIPSE.. This occurs on 15th January,Friday 2010.THIS ECLIPSE IS LONGEST ANNULAR ECLIPSE WHICH IS GOING TO TAKE PLACE FROM 11 AM ONWARDS..
This eclipse is in conjunction with Venus, on the very same day Mercury turns direct after several weeks of retrograde motion. Globally, this transit should be beneficient and pleasurable, releasing built-up tension and leading toward a brand new beginning for the world.
On a more personal level, this solar eclipse can have a major effect on our personal lives when it occurs in conjunction with one of our natal planets -- especially our natal Sun, Moon, ruling planet or the Moon's nodes, ascendant, mid heaven. Where the eclipse falls in one's chart is significant, as the energies expressed by its house placement will show areas of life affected by this eclipse's implied new beginnings.The new Moon is also time to set an intention. Venus is the ruler of the new Moon, while Saturn is in Libra.
Hi friends,
AVATAR is an Excellent Film.I am greatly Impressed after seeing that.. Here i will share with you about the Movie Review.
It has taken more than 15 years for James Cameron to come out with eco-minded epic Avatar costing in excess of $300 million. Coming from the stable of Cameron who has directed Terminator, Aliens, True Lies and and Titanic, Avatar has been one of the most anticipated movies of the decade and Cameron who had doubled up as the writer hasn't disappointed the audience. Cameron had made sure that Avatar is nothing like what the audience has seen before.
Cameron once again proves that he is master of science-fiction along Spielberg. Although many criticised the huge hype around Avatar, the film’s heart is firmly in the right place and the performances are committed. Avatar's visuals like any Cameron movie are breath-taking. Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldaña have lived up to the role of such anticipated movie. Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez and Stephen Lang provide good supporting performance. The movie definitely takes imagination to an unimaginable limit.
Avatar is a brilliant movie and if you see it your 160-odd minutes won't be wasted. It is a great experience, not to be missed under any conditions. It is highly advisable to watch it only in 3-D.
Its once again Marriage festival in Rajnikanth's House. His Second daughter Soundarya Rajinikanth will soon be entering marital bliss. The groom will be Ashwin Kumar, son of Ram Kumar, a real estate businessman. The couple is set to get engaged in February 14, 2010.
Wedding date will be announced later. "It is a love-cum-arranged marriage which will take place with the blessings of elders in both the families," they added.
Her maiden production venture 'Goa' is set to hit the screens soon.
Lets Wish her a Happy Married Life!!!
Samsung Electronics is expected to manufacture over 80 percent of its mobile phones in overseas plants in 2010.
According to the mobile phone industry on Sunday, the electronics giant plans to produce 269.67 million cell phones this year in seven plants worldwide including a local factory in Gumi, North Gyeongsang Province.
Under the plan, the six overseas plants will make a total of 221.32 million units, accounting for 82 percent of the total production.
Samsung's facility in Tianjin, China will produce the most at 82.72 million units, followed by Huizhou, China (73.26 million), Gumi (48.36 million), Vietnam (34.15 million), Brazil (13.95 million), Shenzhen, China (8.97 million), and India (8.27 million).
It is the first time that Samsung's proportion of overseas cell phone production will top the 80-percent mark. The proportion has risen gradually from 25 percent in 2005 to over 70 percent last year.
Hi friends,
Federal employees can typically expect a small annual pay-increase, though the amount is different year-to-year. While the debate over how big or small the increase is depends on the whims of Congress, federal employees are left waiting.
Thankfully, Gov Central’s crack team of mathematicians have been toiling in the depths of excel spreadsheets to project what the 2010 General Schedule (GS) pay scale will most likely be.
These are educated extrapolations based on current information and data, but are subject to change once the fiscal year 2010 budget is signed by President Obama.
- March: President Obama proposed a 2 percent raise for federal employees.
- July : In early July, the House Appropriations Committee approved their version of the budget, keeping the 2 percent raise in tact.
- On July 9, the Senate approved a 2.9 percent raise for civilian employees as well as a 3.4 percent increase for military service members.
- December: Congressional negotiators closed a deal Tuesday night that includes a 2.0 percent federal employee pay adjustment, which includes a 1.5 percent nationwide increase in base pay and a 0.5 percent average increase in locality pay. Congress is expected to pass the pay raise and Omnibus spending bill on Friday.
- In late November, President Obama announced a 2.0 percent increase in base pay with no adjustment in locality pay. With Congress splitting the 2 percent across base and locality pay, federal employees are expected to receive a nominal increase overall. This is due to the fact that locality pay percentage becomes a multiplier of sorts.
- On December 23, President Obama issues an executive order implementing the 2010 pay raise.
Good Afternoon..Here are 12 ways to jump start your 2010 marketing plan before the New Year.
- WIKI YOUR BUSINESS :Write a Wikipedia entry about your business or product. Wikipedia entries rank high with search engines, particularly Google. And they can garner extra exposure for your business in 2010. Considering there are more than 684 million Wikipedia readers on the Internet, it’s a great place to create a presence for your business or product.

- BOOST YOUR BLOG BUZZ: A leading Internet marketing research firm, there are more than 346 million people around the world who read blogs. While it’s essential to have your own blog, make sure that in 2010 you regularly read the top blogs in your industry. Post comments and helpful information with links back to your site on them.
- FAN OUT ON FACE BOOK :With more than 200 million users worldwide, Face book must be a key part of your online marketing strategy in 2010. If you haven’t done it already, create a fan page for your business or product. Promote it with ads on Face book, which are cheaper than those available through Google Ad words in most cases. Make sure all of your Face book friends know about your page and ask them to promote it to their friends. Be sure to distribute informative content on your page that always links back to your website.
- STAY ALERT: In 2010 make sure you’re signed up for alerts through Google to find out what people are saying about you, your brand and your industry online. Find out what consumers are saying about your business in the social media realm on sites like Twitter and Facebook.
- STAY FOCUSED: Don’t try to be all things to all consumers. It’s important that in the New Year you keep your marketing messages focused and brief. Pick the thing your business does best. Pick the product or service you sell the most and stay focused on getting the word out online about those things.
- TAKE THE TIME: There are no magic bullets when it comes to marketing your business online. It takes time. In the New Year, don’t rush to implement too many strategies at once. Take your time, make a plan and execute it logically.
- MASTER THE WEB: Before you started your online business, you may not have thought of yourself as a webmaster. In the New Year, it’s important that you do. Use the tools provided by Google Webmaster Central. Log on to the SitePro News websites for free webmaster tools that can improve your site.
- BECOME A MEDIA MAVEN: In 2010, make it a goal to ramp up your media relations plan. Increase your media exposure by using Google News to find articles about your industry. Then, make contact with the TV and print reporters who write those stories and offer to be a potential source for their next story. Reach out to bloggers in your industry and do the same thing.
- ANSWER LIKE AN EXPERT: Demonstrate your expertise by posting and answering questions on Yahoo Answers or Linked In Answers. Both rank exceptionally high with search engines and will results in increased traffic to your website.
- USE VIDEO TO TELL YOUR STORY: You can create great promotional videos for your business using simple tools like Windows Movie Maker. Google loves videos. When you make them, upload them to You Tube, Meta cafe and other video sharing sites for maximum exposure.
Hi friends,
Whether you are a host or a guest, there are many social situations that will call for interaction, even when you are stumped for some way to get it going. For example, you might want to help a friend’s new “significant other” feel comfortable. Or, you might see a stranger across a crowded room, and realize that this is your only chance to impress Mr. or Ms. Wonderful. Then, you realize that you’re not sure what to say.
1. Start with a “hello,” and simply tell the new person your name then ask them theirs. Offer your hand to shake, upon his/her responding to you. (If you go to other countries, greet the person in tune with the particular culture). If you already know the person, skip this step and proceed to step.
2. Look around. See if there is anything worth pointing out.
3. Offer a compliment. A sincere compliment is a wonderful way to get someone to warm up to you. But be careful not to say something so personal that you scare the person off or make him or her feel uncomfortable. It is best not to compliment a person’s looks or body.
4. Ask questions! Most people love to talk about themselves — get them going. “What classes are you taking this year?” “Have you seen (Insert-Something-Here)? What did you think of it?” Again, keep the questions light and not invasive. Do not ask too many questions if he or she is not responsive to them.
5. Jump on any conversation-starters he or she might offer; take something he or she has said and run with it. Agree, disagree, ask a question about it, or offer an opinion, just don’t let it go by without notice.
6. Look your new found friend in the eye, it engenders trust (but don’t stare). Also, use the person’s name a time or two during the conversation; it will help you remember the name, and will draw the person’s attention to what you are talking about.
7. Don’t forget to smile and have fun with your conversation!
- Hi friends,
Technology had made us to the peak. Many of us are using Internet but we don't know some of the Concepts in it. Let me share with you the Basic Things to be known which we are using in our day to day life.
- Modem:
- A modem is a device that converts digital signals, from a computer, into analog signals for transmission over telephone lines. A modem also converts incoming analog signals into digital signals. 56K means that this type of modem has the ability to transmit at up to 56,600 bps.
- ADSL is a type of high-speed Internet access for consumers. ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. This is a technology that allows for digital transmission over existing telephone lines. The term 'asymmetric' refers to the fact that the speed that you send data can be different than the speed that you can receive data. Therefore, a typical user will have a faster download speed than upload speed through ADSL. ADSL service is typically many times faster than a 56k modem while allowing for regular phone/voice usage simultaneously on the same telephone line.
- Bandwidth:
- Bandwidth refers to how much data is transmitted over a given period of time. For digital devices, bandwidth is measured in bits per second (bps).
- Cable Modem:
- Cable modem service is a type of high-speed Internet access offered by local cable companies for consumers. Using the same coaxial cable used for TV signals, the speed of downloading data is typically many times faster than a 56K modem. Typically, upload speed is restricted to only 56Kbps, more than enough for normal, fast "surfing" of the Internet. Cable modem service is an "always-on" type of connection, which is especially vulnerable to hacker attacks. Users can prevent unauthorized access with a software firewall product.
- DSL:
- DSL is a type of high-speed Internet access for consumers. DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. This is a technology that allows for digital transmission over existing telephone lines. DSL service is typically many times faster than a 56K modem while allowing for regular phone/voice usage simultaneously on the same telephone line. Although DSL service does not exist in all areas, it is currently more available than cable modem service.
- ISDN is a type of high-speed Internet access typically for businesses. ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. ISDN is conceptually the integration of both analog or voice data together with digital data over the same network.
- ISP:
- An ISP, or Internet Service Provider, is a company that provides users access to the Internet.
- LAN:
- A local area network, or LAN, is a group of computers and/or devices that share a common communications line within a small geographic area such as within an office building. A typical LAN can provide extremely high-speed Internet access with just one high-bandwidth connection to an ISP.
Peter and Beryl were both 85 years old and had been married for sixty years. Though they were far from rich, they managed to get by because they watched their pennies.
Though not young, they were both in very good health, largely due to the wife's insistence on healthy foods and exercise for the last decade.
One day, their good health didn't help when they went on a rare vacation and their plane crashed, sending them off to Heaven.When they reached the pearly gates St. Peter escorted them inside. He took them to a beautiful mansion, furnished in gold and fine silks, with a fully stocked kitchen and a waterfall in the master bathroom. A maid could be seen hanging their favourite clothes in the closet.
They gasped in astonishment when he said, "Welcome to Heaven. This will be your home now."The old man asked Peter how much all this was going to cost. "Why, nothing," Peter replied, "remember, this is your reward in Heaven."

Next they went to the clubhouse and saw the lavish buffet lunch with fine food laid out before them, from seafood to steaks to exotic deserts and free flowing beverages. "Don't even ask," said St. Peter to the man. "This is
Heaven, it is all free for you to enjoy."
The old man looked around and glanced nervously at his wife."Well, where are the low fat and low cholesterol foods and the decaffeinated tea?" he asked.
"That's the best part," St. Peter replied. "You can eat and drink as much as you like of whatever you like and you will never get fat or sick. This is Heaven!"
The old man pushed, "No gym to work out at?"
"Not unless you want to," was the answer.
"No testing my sugar or blood pressure or...?"
"Never again. All you do here is enjoy yourself."
The old man glared at his wife and said, "You and your diet n calorie counting and dont eat this dont eat that. We could have been here ten years ago!"
Hi friends,
I just thought to let know what my doctor told me recently. I don't think she was lying and neither am I, so please pass this on to your friends.
One morning a few months ago in broad daylight, a girl was getting into her car when a few men approached her with what looked like a torchlight. Quite harmless looking. They pressed the "torchlight" into her back and immediately she went limp and very pale. So she wouldn't be able to fight back, they slashed her thigh with a parang and sped away in her car.
There were many people around and they quickly took her to the nearest clinic which was my doctor's clinic. There were two doctors at that time and they managed to stitch up her wound but the girl remained pulse-less and still pale as paper. No pulse, no BP (blood pressure). Just like dead.
My doctors were confused as to how one wound on the thigh made the girl almost like dead? They managed to revive her and save her life.
After some checking around, the doctors found out what actually happened was that the girl was made unconscious not by a torchlight but actually a high voltage weapon. I forgot how many watts she mentioned. 1000? Anyway, it was high enough to kill a person by electrocution.
It seems this weapon is from China . It's not rampant yet in Malaysia , but with this thing, a person can rob, rape, kill, kidnap, and practically do anything to you. My doctor said that if the girl weren't taken to the clinic immediately she would have died because there was no pulse on her.
So please just beware of your surroundings, if anybody is lurking around with a torchlight-thingy and approaches you, just scream or run away. Better to be embarrassed than ZAPPED and fried, right? Take care.
This item is called "STUNGUN".
Artist assistants stand next to 3,604 cups of coffee which have been made into a giant Mona Lisa in Sydney, Australia. The 3,604 cups of coffee were each filled with different amounts of milk to create the different shades!!
In coffee Cups they had made Excellent art!!!
Hi friends,
Hope you all are enjoying your weekend well.. Here is "TEN CAREER RESOLUTIONS THAT MAKES U GO HIGH IN YOUR FUTURE".. Here are 10 New Year's resolutions to help.
- Pay Attention in Class:
- Look for the Next Rung:
- Understand Company Goals:
- Be Ethical:
- Stay Fit:
- Stretch Your Role:
- Manage Up:
- Manage Across:
- Communicate:
- Make Time for Play:
Hi friends,
Can you guess what it is ?
Look closely and guess what they could be...
Are they pens with cameras?
Ladies and gentlemen... congratulations!
You've just looked into the future... yep that's right!
You've just seen something that will replace your PC in the near future.
Here is how it works:
In the revolution of miniature computers, scientists have made great developments with bluetooth technology.. .
This is the forthcoming computers you can carry within your pockets .
This 'pen sort of instrument' produces both the monitor as well as the keyboard on any flat surfaces from where you can carry out functions you would normally do on your desktop computer.
Can any one say, 'Good-bye laptops?'
So it may be as simple as a bunch of nice flowers, or a basket of season's fruits; a box of candy or a pack of chocolates; an item of trivia or, utilities or, luxury. The list can go on and on. Well, remember, gifts might not necessarily be rich and glamorous in their worldly possession, but make sure that they're rich at heart.