The World's Most Powerful People 2009

Posted by Varumana- Usha

 Hi friends,

                 Good Evening. Here i want o share with u some interesting and "The World's Most Powerful People 2009".. just a  short Review about these people.. Just read it..

     Barack Obama:

  • Presides over world's largest, most innovative, most dynamic economy.
  • Commander-in-chief of planet's richest, deadliest military.
  • Finger on button of nuclear arsenal containing more than 5,000 warheads.
  •  Head-of-state of world's sole superpower.
  • His Democrats have majorities in both U.S. House and Senate
  •  Recently awarded Nobel Peace Prize, apparently for general awesomeness.
            Vladimir Putin:

  • Prime Minister might as well be known as Czar, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russians.
  • Vastly more powerful than his handpicked head-of-state, President Dmitry Medvedev.
  • Presides over one-ninth of Earth's land area, vast energy and mineral resources.
  • Former KGB officer unafraid to wield his power; invading Georgia, cutting off natural gas supplies to Ukraine or Western Europe (again).
  • Declared nuclear power has veto on U.N.'s Security Council.
  • "I'm deeply convinced that constant change is not for the better."

             Sergey Brin and Larry Page:

  • If knowledge is power, maybe information is too. Brainy duo met in Stanford computer science Ph.D. program, now trying to put all the world's information at your fingertips.
  • Known for collecting best and brightest young tech talent at Mountain View, Calif., "Googleplex"; employees encouraged to spend one day a week on personal projects; company often named "Best Place To Work" in America.
  •  Google guys' combined net worth of $30.6 billion would place them third on the Forbes 400.
  • Yet despite professed intentions to "do no evil," Google is blamed in some quarters for decimating traditional publishing, journalism. Brin: "Some say Google is God, others say Google is Satan."

          William Gates III:
  • Richest man in the world dominated, transformed software business.
  •  More than 85% of world's hundreds of millions of computer users stare at, struggle with, Microsoft products on daily basis.
  • Second act: Saving the world. Still Microsoft chairman, but now devotes day-to-day to his Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, the largest charity on Earth with $34 billion endowment. Foundation devoted to reducing hunger, improving education and fighting diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS.


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