Ohio School Pictures

Posted by Varumana- Usha

Ohio School Picture, located in the west Bagley Road, Berea, Ohio, is one of the best in town. They are one among the "Best in Town". With over 60 years of experience, they satisfy the photography needs of schools, parents and students.

Some of the sample products are below.


  1. Anonymous said...

    This company grew from loyal Ohioans, and loyal Ohio schools, and how do they thank us??? They sent most of their jobs over seas, that's how! All photo retouching and special effects is done in CHINA, as well as any item (key chain, picture frame etc.)is shipped in from CHINA and marked up a gazillion percent for you to buy. All this so the owners can collect antique trains and take extravagant trips. They do not treat their workers fairly and lay off hard working long term employees for less experienced high school-family members do the job at half the pay. Quality suffers because of this. School and parents please give your business to a company that deserves it, not this greedy, money hungry company.

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