The Worst Cover Letter Mistakes

Posted by Varumana- Usha

Hi friends,

                 A good cover letter is more important than you think. Perfectly excellent job candidates can lose out on a job because of a poorly focused, rushed cover letter. Avoid these top cover letter mistakes!
A cover letter (like a resume) should be no longer than one page. You may think that you have so much experience you need more to effectively detail it. 

The resume was impressive. The formatting was impeccable, the content was excellent, and he did a great job of focusing on accomplishments instead of job duties. If I were an employer, I would have been impressed.Then I looked at his cover letter and imagined the employer tossing that perfect resume into the trash bin.

              Many people looking for jobs destroy their resumes by accompanying them with halfhearted or downright terrible cover letters. While some employers don’t bother reading cover letters, most do. And they will quickly eliminate you if you make these mistakes.

         Be sure your cover letter uses a standard business letter format. It should include the date, the recipient’s mailing address and your address.

  •  It may seem counter intuitive, but your cover letter, like your resume, should be about the employer as much as it’s about you. Yes, you need to tell the employer about yourself, but do so in the context of the employer’s needs and the specified job requirements.
  • The cover letter is really your best opportunity to show the employer why your experience matters to the job to which you are applying. This means that a cover letters emphasis should be on relevant skills, not the description of job duties, accomplishments or previous projects. Take a given project, for example, as a jumping off point (i.e. first sentence or clause) of a paragraph then explain what skills you gained from it that are meaningful to your prospective employer.
  • Employers tend to view typos and grammatical errors as evidence of your carelessness and inability to write. Proofread every letter you send. Have a friend who knows good writing double-check it for you.
  • There is no gray area here: You must include a well-written, neatly formatted cover letter with every resume you send. If you don’t, you won’t be considered for the job.


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